Kinesio Taping


What is Kinesio Taping?
Kinesio Tape itself is a breathable, elastic, cotton tape used to facilitate the natural healing process without restricting movement. It was created by a Japanese chiropractor and gained world-wide attention during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, when several athletes were viewed wearing the bright pink, blue and black tape during their competitions. According to the Kinesio Taping website: ‘The tape is applied along muscles, ligaments and tendons to provide a lightweight, strong, external support that helps prevent injury and speed recovery.’ Kinesio Tape works differently for different injuries. It can lift and support the kneecap, holding it in place for a Runner’s Knee. Kinesio Tape can support sagging muscles along the arch of the foot, relieving the connective tissues for Plantar’s Fasciitis.’

Why is Kinesio Taping so Effective?
The Kinesio Taping website continues: ‘Depending on how it is applied, Kinesio Tape supports, enables or restricts soft tissue and its movement. By stretching and recoiling like a rubber band, Kinesio Tape augments tissue function and distributes loads away from inflamed or damaged muscles and tendons, thereby protecting tissues from further injury.’ Kinesio Taping helps speed recovery by microscopically ‘lifting the skin’. This lifting action creates small pockets of space that allow drainage to occur, reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

A Chiropractor Trained in Kinesio Taping is Key
As with the treatment of any medical condition, a complete evaluation and assessment should be performed by a trained professional. Injuries can be complex, requiring more than one course of treatment. Dr. Park is trained to assess and treat all sports injuries and prescribe the proper treatment, including Kinesio Taping.

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