Welcome to Better Spine Sports & Rehab in GA

Better spine frontThank you for choosing Better Spine Sports & Rehab for your chiropractic health care. We are 100% committed to your care and wellness, and we expect you to be also. If a friend or family member referred you, we will be sure to thank them for their trust and commitment to our practice; we hope someday to be thanking you too.

We Are Here for You

If you have any questions regarding your care, chiropractic, office policies, or financial arrangements, please let the staff know. We will find an answer for your question or schedule a time for you to discuss your question with our staffs.

Our Vision Statement

Better Spine Sports & Rehab is dedicated to helping people. By correcting vertebral subluxations, we help every man, woman, and child to express their full potential and make a difference. We believe that one person can make a difference; all they need is a chance. Our purpose is to make sure you have your chance. Our vision is a world full of chances taken, dreams realized, and differences made. Expand your vision and experience the difference.

Where the Mind Goes, The Body Follows

We have found that our patients who understand their chiropractic care respond more quickly to their care, and enjoy increased overall health. For this reason, we require all patients to read and ask questions regarding their health. “Ask and you will receive.” You are encouraged to bring your spouse, children, extended family member, or a friend with you to our office. This will help your loved ones to understand the care you are receiving. The more positive support you receive during your care, the better your results will be. For your convenience, we will also schedule a special consultation for a family member.

Also articles and brochures are available for you to review, which will explain some basic information about chiropractic care. More specialized brochures and books about chiropractic are available in our office. Feel free to browse and take the ones you are interested in, or ask for more specific information.

After Your First Adjustment

We want to let you know that every patient has a different reaction to his or her chiropractic adjustments. Some patients experience a warm sensation, others immediately feel tired, some are relieved from pain, and others may experience soreness or tenderness. A chiropractic adjustment corrects subluxations. By correcting subluxations, nerve interference is removed so that you body may function at 100% and set its own healing process in motion! Each of our bodies is unique and amazing, and holds power beyond our comprehension.

Do you have any questions?

Just ask on your next appointment. We want you to be fully informed and understand the care you receive in our office. If you find that you have many questions or concerns, please call ahead and have our staff schedule additional time for your appointment. We want to make sure that you receive our full attention.